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wAwB wCwD wEwF wGwH wIwJ wKwL wMwN wOwP wQwR wSwT wUwV wWwX wYwZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
TITAN +waves 11
TOYS OCEAN +angel & waves 28
TRITON +man waves & circle 16
TRIVENI +waves 32
waves 18
VALLEY +waves 32
VB +circle & waves 19
VESSEL +waves 32
VIDUSHI +square & waves 42
VILLAGE CLUB +waves & lines 16
WATER KING +waves & circle 28
WATERWINGS +waves 11
WAVES +waves 21, 29, 32
WEAVE IT +waves & square 42
WESTEN +waves 32
WET 'N' WILD RESORTS +waves 41, 42
WHITE HORSE +horse & waves 32
WHITE WAVES +waves 35
WIMBOCK +waves 11
WOG +waves & circle 37, 40, 42
Y yash +drop waves & leaves 17
YAMUNA PUMP +waves 7
YELLOW +ship birds & waves 3
ZEO SPORTS +man & waves 30
circle & waves 2, 11, 17
circles & waves 32
cw CRAZY WAVES +waves 24
drop & waves 29
fish circle & waves 16
fragrant WAVES +waves birds 3
fresh ones +sun & waves 5
globe & waves 18
horse wings & waves 9
indica +waves 11
m MARKER +waves & square 7
perfect quartz clock +waves 14
real +waves 32
waves 16
solar +circle & waves 7
spiral waves & squares 19
square & waves 25, 30
sun waves & circle 2, 11
sun & waves 12
sun hills & waves 7
waves retail +waves 16, 35
woman torch & waves 30
wawa KITHALO +circle 32
RELIANCE wawa 42
wax seal 43
555 STAR wax matches +star 34
AMMA wax matches +woman 34
ANCHOR wax matches +anchor 34
APSARA wax crayons 16
APSARA wax crayons +bird 16
APSARA wax crayons +camel 16
APSARA wax crayons +cartoon 16
APSARA wax crayons +cat 16
APSARA wax crayons +face 16
APSARA wax crayons +hut 16
APSARA 12 wax crayons +boy 16
APSARA 14 wax crayons +girl 16
APSARA 16 wax crayons +girl 16
APSARA 24 wax crayons +man 16
APSARA COLORAMA wax crayons 16
ARASAN wax matches +bird 34
ASWIN wax matches 34
AXN wax matches +oval & arc 34
BABY wax +child 34
COCO wax matches +bird 34
EXCEL wax-silicone polish 3
FAMILY wax matches +cats 34
FAMILY wax matches +kittens 34
FLAMINGO wax crayons 16
FOXES wax special +dogs 34
GORILLA wax matches +gorill 16, 34
HIFLEX modelling wax 5
HONEY SOFT cold wax 3
HONEYBEE cold wax 3
HONEYDEW hot wax 3
KRISHNA wax matches +child 16
KRISHNA wax matches +god 34
KUNA wax matches +crown 34
KWIK wax 3
LAMBOO wax crayons +cartoon 16
LIPS wax matches +girl 34
MAKE UP wax polish 3
MG5 hair wax +square 3
MILLENNIUM 2000 wax matches 34
MOUNTO wax crayons +girl 16
MS MONTAS cold wax 3
NANDU wax matches +crab 34
QUEENBEE cold wax +flowers 3
RAJALI sealing wax +bird 16
RB super wax crayons +flowe 16
RESINOVA WILON wax polish 2
SHANK wax matches +conch 34
SILKEN hair remover wax 3
SLEEK cold wax +woman circl 3
SLEEK hot wax +woman 3
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